Module FiCLI

Class FiState


public class FiState extends Object
This class is returned by the FiCLI when processCommand() is called. The int "state" will be set to reflect the type of command that was passed. Depending on the FiCLI configuration, the state will be either VALID, INVALID, EXIT, or BACK (0, 1, 2, or 3). The String "input" is the command that was passed to the FiCLI object.
  • Field Details

    • VALID

      public static final int VALID
      See Also:

      public static final int INVALID
      See Also:
    • EXIT

      public static final int EXIT
      See Also:
    • BACK

      public static final int BACK
      See Also:
    • state

      public int state
      The state returned from the system based off of the command that was received.
    • input

      public String input
      The input that was passed as a command.
  • Constructor Details

    • FiState

      public FiState(int state, String input)